The Last Cuentista and My Ideal World Process

The Last Cuentista. Have you heard of that book? It is a science fiction novel written by Donna Barba Higuera. In my 6th grade Language Arts class, the first novel that we read is The Last Cuentista. The Last Cuentista is about Petra Peña, a 12 year old girl who has to go on a journey to another planet because a comet is going to destroy Earth. However, the planet is almost 400 years away! So, they have to put all of the passengers asleep while they travel. But, when the 400 years pass, she still remembers everything, but no one else does. Does Petra help bring back their memories? Read the book to find out! Personally, the book was not my favorite, but we all read books that we don’t like. But, I did like all of the cuentos, or stories, that Donna put in the book.


After we finished The Last Cuentista, my Language Arts teacher assigned us a task to make our own planet, our ideal world.  We had to make up a planet that we would love to live on. We had the opportunity to make up a name for the planet, design the planet, and write a blog post about the planet. You can scroll down on my blog page to read about my planet, Apollo! My planet’s name is Apollo, because some of NASA’s missions to the moon were named Apollo. On Apollo there were 10 lands that a person could live on, all named after different flowers that you could find on the land. There is a queen and nature and no racism, it is my perfect land. It was very fun to come up with my ideal world and draw a picture of it! 



After we came up with the planet, wrote a blog post about it, and drew it, we got to make a homemade book about it! We had a local artist, Peg Gignoux, come in and teach us how to make our books. We learned how to do Akua ink printing, collaging, and making covers! It took about four whole class lessons (about four hours) to complete the entire book. I went with an Earthy vibe for my book, having a blue/green cover.

On May 24th, all of the 6th grade ideal world books are going on display for my school to see. The whole process from starting to read the book to finishing our ideal world took about 7 months, from November to May. Keep in mind, we didn’t spend every single class working on it so we also read The Westing Game, invested in *fake* stocks, and did vocabulary! In conclusion, I enjoyed doing the project and had an okay time reading The Last Cuentista. Thank you for reading and have a great day!

My Ideal World

Apollo is the best planet to live on in all of the Milky Way Galaxy. Apollo is the 3rd planet from our solar system’s yellow dwarf star. The solar system’s name is Aphrodite, named after the Greek Goddess of Love. Apollo has been inhabited by humans for 250,000 Apollo years. Apollo also has a 365 day rotation around its sun and one day on Apollo is 24 hours long. Apollo looks blue all over with patches of green and yellow scattered around the planet. Apollo’s skies are blue and its land is 25% flat, 25% mountains, 25% rain forest, and 25% desert. The weather on Apollo varies, some days it might rain silver raindrops and other times it might be a clear blue day. Apollo has 1 moon named Hermes.


Apollo has 75 trees per 200 feet and every human on Apollo has a garden in their backyard or on their balcony where they eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Every person, over the age of 3, is required to eat 5 vegetables and 3 fruits per day. If the person is under 3 years old, they have to eat their fruits and veggies in smoothie/mushed form. Every person, over the age of 10, is required to either walk or run at least 15 minutes a day to stay fit, if they are under the age of ten, they are required to spend at least 30-45 minutes a day outside. 


Before children go to 1st grade, they take a 6 month break and learn how to recycle, how to plant fruits and veggies, Apollo’s political system, how to be kind, how to care for animals, and how to care for others. Every grade from then on has to spend 2 weeks reviewing these norms. Children must start school in Pre-K when they are three years old. They must go into elementary school in 1st grade when they are 6 years old. They must go into middle school in 6th grade when they are 11 years old. They must go into 9th grade when they are 14 years old, and lastly, they must go to college or university the summer after high school. There is no homework at school, unless you don’t finish any work at school, then you have to finish it at home. The school year starts on the third Wednesday of August and ends on the last Friday of May. 


Apollo’s political system is a monarchy passed down from generation to generation. Apollo’s royal family lives in a city named Oaks Pointe in the patch (instead of big land masses, there are patches) Hibiscus Bridge. Apollo is ruled by Queen Annette Ali, her husband Brooks Ali is the King of Apollo but does not have the same duties as Queen Annette. Queen Annette’s family has been ruling over Apollo since the monarchy began 50,000 years ago. If Queen Annette were to die, her oldest child would take over if they are over the age of 25. If they are not, Queen Annette’s Vice-Monarch would take over until the oldest child is old enough to rule. Queen Annette’s Vice-Monarch is Bridget Cooper. 


There are ten patches on Apollo, Hibiscus Bridge, Peony Bridge, Tulip Bridge, Orchid Bridge, Lilac Bridge, Dandelion Bridge, Sunflower Bridge, Lavender Bridge, Cherry Blossom Bridge, and Marigold Bridge. These patches were named after the majority of flowers each patch had. All the patches are diverse in their land, greenery, and scenery.


Every person who has a full time job gets paid $200,000 per year, but $50,000 of their salary goes to the monarch’s team for taxes. Every person who has a part time job gets paid $50,000 per year and $15,000 of their money goes to the monarch’s team. The monarch’s team (which has 1,000 people in it) collects people’s taxes, funds for the houses or apartment, solves issues, helps the monarch rule, and keeps Apollo in order. 


Every family on Apollo has the same layout for their house but the colors and designs are different. The family gets to choose their furniture for free and they can have up to four tank less/cage less pets. Every person who lives alone lives in an apartment with the same inside layout and a 8×8 foot balcony. No more than two people and two pets that do not require a tank or cage, can live in an apartment.


All the technology, transportation, and jobs that are good and useful on Earth are on Apollo. There is no racism, ageism, sexism, bad drugs, alcohol, pollution, and rudeness on Apollo. There is lots of diversity and everyone treats everyone with kindness and respect, and that’s the way it should be.