Field Trip to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Science

On Friday January 27, my classmates and I went on a field trip to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences to reflect on what we have learned in science and history these past few months. We saw meteoroids, amazing exhibits, and learned so many new and cool facts. My favorite part of visiting the museum is seeing all of the live bugs, sea animals, and insects that the museum showed us. There were lots of animals including jellyfish, ghost shrimp, and snakes.

Another part I really enjoyed was the RACE exhibit where the museum exhibited different races and questions about race. Some questions they asked and answered were about how and why the pandemic affected certain races and what race means. It was very fascinating hearing different perspectives from different people from different races and how their races affect them and their lives. Overall, the field trip was very informative and fun! Thank you North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences for having us!